ENGAGING THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF DESTINY (2) TUESDAY 30TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: 2 PETER 1:3; 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9 Introduction Fulfillment is God’s will for all who serves Him. God wants us to be fulfilled in all we do in life. He desires that we live a fulfilled life here on earth and thereafter in His kingdom; but the devil doesn’t want that for us. From scriptures, we understand that every child of God has a great and a glorious destiny in Christ. As we all know, something is said to be glorious when it is outstanding, magnificent, distinguished, celebrated and splendid. That means, our destinies are not just any kind; but an enviable one. Therefore, our calling into the faith is unto glory and honour, not to shame, frustration and reproach (2 Peter 1:3; 1 Corinthians 2:9). The Scripture gives a graphic picture of our glorious destiny in Romans 8:3. As it is written: Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. However, we understand that, no matter how great and valid a vision is, it will require the ministry of the Holy Spirit for full delivery. This is because there is no breakthrough outside the Holy Spirit and as such every destiny flourishes by His operations (Zechariah 4:6; Luke 24:49; Psalm 92:10-15). Thus, our golden destinies are not deliverable by human efforts and exertion of our might, but by the Holy Spirit. This is why after the angel of the Lord showed Prophet Zechariah the vision of a golden destiny, he (the angel) said: …Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6). Furthermore, every great destiny has its foundation in the Holy Spirit. We have diverse scriptural examples of men who commanded exploits by the help of the Holy Ghost and as such they were able to fulfill their glorious destinies. Moreover, Daniel became the envy of his generation as a result of the Spirit of God in Him. This helps us to understand that although every child of God is ordained to have a glorious destiny, he must be empowered to fulfill it. According to scriptures, it is the Spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing and this is why the body is helpless without the Spirit (John 6:63; James 2:26). Therefore, it is not just a must to be born again, it is equally a must to be filled with the Holy Spirit, otherwise, our destinies may be vulnerable to shame and reproach (Joel 2:23-27; Isaiah 61:1-7). That means without the help of the Holy Spirit, our glorious destiny is not in view. This is why it is important to understand how the Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill destiny. PRAYERS 1. Father, we thank you for it is your will that we live a fulfilled life 2. In the name of Jesus, I destroy every witchcraft power working against my destiny 3. In the name of Jesus, I destroy every incantation, ritual and witchcraft power against my destiny 4. Father, I reject every rearrangement of my destiny by household wickedness 5. In the name of Jesus, I silence every power assigned to put me to shame in life 6. In the name of Jesus, I arrest every spirit of failure attacking my destiny 7. In the name of Jesus, I destroy every force of frustration operating in my life 8. In the name of Jesus, I arrest every power of darkness manipulating my destiny 9. In the name of Jesus, I arrest every power of darkness manipulating Nigeria destiny 10. Powers attacking my fulfillment in life, be destroyed 11. I decree and declare, I shall fulfill my days and destiny

HOLY SPIRIT CONNECT ME WITH MY DESTINY (3) MONDAY 29TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: PSALM 75:6-7 Introduction What do you say of Joseph who was thrown into a pit, and later sold into slavery? But God intervene and connected him in the land of slavery to an officer of King Pharaoh; when he fell out of favor and was imprisoned, God visited him in the prison and he took him from the prison to the palace. Joseph is a classic example of how God can turn the greatest adversities in life into promotion. Joseph moved from slavery into prison and from prison into palace. What do we say of David who was called from the field where he was looking after sheep and anointed the King of Israel? David was forgotten in the field when Samuel asked the father of David to present his children, all the seven brothers of David were presented, but David was not remembered. I pray for you today that though the world has forgotten you today, but God will remember you and He will send for you to come and occupy the position God has prepared for you. Amen. The story of Elijah and the widow of Zarapath is another typical story of divine connection, even during famine God has prepared the widow of Zarapath to take care of Elijah and persuaded that as we hold on to God within the storms of life, God will prepare people to help and meet all your needs. Neman, the leprous general was also divinely connected to a little maid who gave him information on how he could receive his healing through a man of God. All this shows that God is the lifter of men and as you lift up your eyes to that God this year, you shall experience divine intervention in your situation in Jesus name. Prayers 1. Father, let international doors of opportunity open unto me this year 2. Father, connects me to the right people that will connect me to the right business 3. Father, connects me to my spiritual breakthrough this year 4. Father, connects me to men and women that will support my vision this year 5. In the name of Jesus, I reject wrong connection this year and beyond 6. Father, connect me to men that will help my ministry and career 7. Father by your mercy open doors of international connection for Living Faith Foundation 8. Pray in the Spirit 9. Thank God for answered prayers

WALKING BY REVELATION (2) SATURDAY 27TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9-10 Introduction The key to walking in revelation is the person of the Holy Spirit. He is the One who bridges the gap between the natural and the supernatural (1 Corinthians 2:10). He is the One who helps us to get inspiration (Ephesians 1: 16-18). If the Holy Spirit does not show us the hidden things, then we do not have access to them. God wants us to run every aspect of our lives on revelation knowledge. In Genesis 26, there was a famine in the land and Isaac wanted to go to Egypt because of the famine but he was instructed by God to stay in the land and sow during the famine and he reaped a hundredfold. He became extremely prosperous because he obeyed God. To have access to revelation knowledge, you need to pray. Prayer is an opportunity for you to relate with God and gain access to the supernatural world (Jeremiah 33:3). Spend time praying in the Holy Ghost to build up your faith. Also, meditate (think deeply) on God’s word (Joshua 1: 8; Psalm 39:3). Get inspired by God’s prophet – the servant of God. Do not take lightly the words which proceed from those God has put in authority over you in church. Read materials written or produced by them; listen to their messages, follow their advice (Acts 27: 9-24). PRAYERS Holy Spirit give unto me the Spirit of revelation knowledge of the word of God Holy Spirit remove spiritual cataract from my eyes Holy Spirit, open my understanding, teach me deep and secret things In the name of Jesus, revelation knowledge of the word of God will not become scarce commodity in my life Holy Spirit, open my eyes like Elisha and my ears like Samuel in the name of Jesus Pray in the spirit

WALKING BY REVELATION (1) FRIDAY 26TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9-10 Introduction God never intended that Man should run his affairs with human ability or sense knowledge. As Christians, we can leverage on our access to the supernatural realm to get tangible, visible results in our lives. Sense knowledge is limited because it is based on the five senses while revelation knowledge comes from God. When you are influenced by the spirit world, it impacts the things you see and hear and determines the kind of results you get (Isaiah 30:20). The difference between sense knowledge and revelation knowledge is demonstrated in the story narrated in 2 Kings 6: 13-17. The king of Syria had sent out a great army to capture Elisha, the prophet. The army arrived at night and surrounded the city. When Elisha’s servant saw them, he was afraid. However, Elisha was unmoved and assured the young man. He also prayed “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. The eyes that Elisha prayed should be opened were not the physical eyes but rather the young man’s spiritual eyes. These were two people in the same situation but they saw differently – one saw the problem; the other saw the solution. What are you seeing? What you see with your spiritual eyes is what you will see with your physical eyes. Unfortunately, many Christians run their lives based on the natural senses and what can be seen physically. You have got to see and hear differently (Genesis 13: 14-16; 15: 5). What you see determines what you seize. Revelation is the most powerful influence that equips our hearts for wholeheartedness. PRAYERS Father, reveal your secrets unto me. Daniel 2:28 Father, reveal to me the secret and deep things. Daniel 2:22 Father, let me understand and have revelation of your will and purpose Father, give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and let the eyes of my understanding be enlightened Father, let me understand heavenly things Pray in the spirit for direction

REVELATION KNOWLEDGE (1) THURSDAY 25TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: EPHESIANS 1:17; ISAIAH 6:1-7; JOB 5:12; ACTS 27:22-23; JEREMIAH 11:18-19, DANIEL 2:22 Introduction One area, in which the enemy has boxed many of us to Conner, is to make us to believe the wrong truth. There are always 2 (two) kinds of truth. Sense of mental knowledge truth, and revelation knowledge truth. Both truths are usually opposed to each other. Wherever you are today, what you believe got you there. As Christians we should live in the realm above senses. You must refuse to allow your life governed by sense knowledge. The forces that oppose us are in the senses. Once the word of God has spoken all other voices should be taken as shadows and masquerades. It is important that all believers must key themselves into the power of revelation knowledge. Revelation makes known the mind of God to man. Revelation is the ancestor of manifestation. The compass you need to show you where you are going is revelation. Revelation illuminates and brings to knowledge, the important hidden decoded mysteries of God. Revelation makes you discover all secret things. Revelation makes you sound information for proper warfare. The truth of God is made known to man by revelation. Revelation is the mother of manifestation. A man without revelation is a dead man. Revelation gives hope and restores joy to man. If you can see in advance where you are going, you will exercise patience to get there. Revelation is the compass you need to know where you are going and how to get there. Night revelation brought hope to men in the ship of Paul to Rome. Revelation is the hidden wisdom for success. Revelation unfolds future mysteries. Your vision is limited to the degrees of your revelation. You can never be greater than your revelation. PRAYERS Holy Spirit, I surrender myself completely to you, have your way in my life. Sear your word into my heart like a brand, and help me to understand it Holy Spirit let everything about me and my life line up with your truth. Sweet Holy Spirit have your way in my life Holy Spirit, fill me with gut-level, life-changing, intimate knowledge of you and your truth in every way. Holy Spirit, help me to receive revelation from you that changes my thoughts, my actions and behavior patterns, and my outlook on life completely Father, reveal to me every secret behind any problem that I have Holy Spirit, fill me up to overflowing Pray in the spirit

DIVINE WISDOM (2) TUESDAY 24TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: EXODUS 28:3; 31:6; 35:35; 36:1-2 Introduction “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7. Without God’s wisdom there can be no righteousness. It is by wisdom that justice is decreed. All the nobles and judges of the earth rule by her. The wisdom of God at work through the church is what will paralyze the principalities and powers of hell. Wisdom justifies a person in the face of any opposition; it raises him up above any enemy or adversary, and lifts him high over all principalities and powers. Nobody would able to withstand divine wisdom. Nobody would able to deny the wisdom of God. When people see us, they will not be able to oppose us or stop us. And those who would hate and condemn us will fail because our mouths will be filled with this divine wisdom. Try to find a more powerful weapon than that! Wisdom will defeat every opposition, every power that comes against us. Demons, world rulers and principalities will all have no argument they can use against us. In every area of life, we will experience a breakthrough. Wisdom is crying out to you, listen to her voice! She wants to lift you up and put a wonderful crown upon your head. Choose wisdom; do not neglect her! She is pure and beautiful like gold………. PRAYERS: In every area of my life where I have had wisdom deficit, fill it Lords, fill it now Saturate me with uncommon wisdom Let Your wisdom make my life easy Give me supernatural ability to unlock great opportunities. Revive the spirit of creativity in my life Make me a designer! Make me unique!! Give me wisdom to do that. Holy Spirit, give me skill!!! Uncommon skill to breakthrough in life and ministry Give me wisdom to manage my home Pray in the spirit Thank you for reading, kindly share this post by using the share buttons. Please click to register for NASA2018, Early registration has closed. Late registration N2,000 (8th Oct. – 30th Oct. 2018) Very late registration N5,000 (31st Oct. – 4th Nov. 2018)

DIVINE WISDOM (1) TUESDAY 23RD OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: LUKE 21:15; PROVERBS 8:1-10; 14-16 Introduction “Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7. Wisdom is one of the weapons that God equips His people with, to enable them to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. Without divine wisdom, no man can have true peace. Wisdom is God’s means for the church of Jesus Christ to transform the world. If we add wisdom to the anointing of the Holy Spirit that God has already given us, then we will be able to have authority over the earth and establish the kingdom of God on it. If the church in these last days has been called to have dominion over the earth, then she needs to acquire this wisdom of God. And for this reason, God is pouring out more of His Spirit on people here on the earth today. The Spirit of God is calling out to us through wisdom. Wisdom is lifting up her voice, desiring that everyone would listen to her. By wisdom kings reign, and by it too, princes decree justice! For we are God’s ambassadors, we are representatives of God’s righteousness, here on the earth. PRAYERS Father, I am deeply grateful because when you give wisdom, it cannot be retrieved by man Father, you give the ability to do – give me the ability to do and excel Father, let wisdom speak for me Father, fill me with wisdom Father, give me all manner and every kind of skill to complete my race Pray in the spirit for divine wisdom Thank you for reading, kindly share this post by using the share buttons. Please click to register for NASA2018, Early registration has closed. Late registration N2,000 (8th Oct. – 30th Oct. 2018) Very late registration N5,000 (31st Oct. – 4th Nov. 2018)
HOLY SPIRIT CONNECT ME WITH MY DESTINY (2) MONDAY 22ND OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: PSALM 75:6-7 Introduction You can achieve success by merit or by hard work, but it is sweeter when you achieve success by the Holy Spirit. There is something called Divine Connection, God divinely connect, He divinely help, and He divinely promote. If you study the Bible carefully, you will discover how hopeless cases are turned into opportunities through the supernatural intervention of Holy Spirit. Moses is a typical case study, few months after his birth he was dumped at the river side by his mother because Pharaoh has issued a degree that all male sons in the Israelite should be killed. However, because of Moses Holy Spirit led the daughter of that same Pharaoh to visit River Nile around the same time. When she saw baby Moses crying by the river side, she eventually adopted him. Baby Moses who would have died by the river side eventually became the adopted son of a princess. Baby Moses who was crying by the Shaw of River Nile in one moment started to live in a palace in another moment. As you hold on to the God of Moses, every hopeless situation in your life shall turn around and you shall move from the valley of life to the mountain top in Jesus name. PRAYERS Thank God for His mercy and loving kindness over your life Holy Spirit, let doors of unusual connection be open unto me Holy Spirit, connect me to those that will lift up my destiny Holy Spirit, rightly connect me to men and women who will help me in life Holy Spirit, rightly connect and position me to the kings and queens of my life who will bless me Father, let me receive divine assistance and connections that will influence my life for good Father, connect me to my material breakthrough this year Father, connect me to the source of my breakthrough this year Father, connect me to my benefactor this year In the name of Jesus, I command any power hiding my key of elevation and connection to fall In the name of Jesus, I command every evil stronghold and power hosing my connections to be overthrown Pray in the spirit for the next five minutes Thank you for reading, kindly share this post by using the share buttons. Please click to register for NASA2018, Early registration has closed. Late registration N2,000 (8th Oct. – 30th Oct. 2018) Very late registration N5,000 (31st Oct. – 4th Nov. 2018)

ACCESSING THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (3) SATURDAY 20TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: ZECHARIAH 4:6 Introduction We can assess the help of the Holy Spirit if we are a child of God: Fifthly; be conscious of His presence. Hebrews 13:5. You need to believe that the Holy Spirit is within you and be conscious of this truth always. This helps you not to grieve Him and gives you the faith to reach out for His help when you need Him. Sixthly; engage His help. Ask the Holy Ghost to help you anytime and anywhere and He will gladly do so. As your companion be free to talk to Him and expect response. Matthew 7:7-8 says that you should ask and you will receive. It is not by your might or power but by the Spirit (Zechariah 4:6), so never hesitate to engage the help of the Spirit of the Lord. Seventhly; return all the glory to God. When you give glory to God for what He has done, you provoke Him to do more. Therefore, never forget to return all glory to God for everything the Holy Spirit helps you to achieve or accomplish. When you don’t give glory back to God, you attract curse upon yourself – Malachi 2:1-2. We can’t do without the help of the Holy Spirit. PRAYERS Thank You Holy Spirit for all my achievement or accomplishment Holy Spirit, sanctify me Holy Spirit, anoint me to do your work Holy Spirit help me Pray in the Holy Spirit Thank you for reading, kindly share this post by using the share buttons. Please click to register for NASA2018, Early registration has closed. Late registration N2,000 (8th Oct. – 30th Oct. 2018) Very late registration N5,000 (31st Oct. – 4th Nov. 2018)
ACCESSING THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (2) FRIDAY 19TH OCTOBER, 2018 Texts: EPHESIANS 2:18 Introduction We can assess the help of the Holy Spirit if we are a child of God: The Spirit of God can only be received by the children of God. This is because the world neither sees nor knows Him – John 14:17. You need to be born of the Spirit of God. Secondly; we need to be obedient; keeping the commandments of Christ gives you access to the Holy Ghost. Jesus said if you love Him and keep His words, He would pray to the father and He would give you another Helper, the Holy Spirit – John 14:15-16. Thirdly; being obedient to God attracts the help of the Spirit. Have a thirst for Him. Matthew 5:6. Fourthly; be filled with the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit gets you filled with the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:1-4. The Spirit of God comes and dwells within you in His fullness: with all His power, majesty, splendor, peace, glory and honor. Jesus is the baptizer (Luke 3:16), so ask Him in faith and He will baptize you with the Spirit of the Lord. Remain ever filled. Once baptized is not always baptized, you can grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). You need to constantly go for refilling in prayer and in word study and ministration. The disciples were always returning for more in-filling and they never lacked access to the help of the Spirit of God (Acts 2:4, Acts 4:31, Acts 13:52). PRAYERS Empower me Holy Spirit to accept and grow in the supernatural life Holy Spirit, wash and renew me Holy Spirit, seal me to the day of redemption Holy Spirit, set me free from the law of sin and death Holy Spirit, reveal the deep things of God to me Pray in the Spirit for the next ten minutes Thank you for reading, kindly share this post by using the share buttons. Please click to register for NASA2018, Early registration has closed. Late registration N2,000 (8th Oct. – 30th Oct. 2018) Very late registration N5,000 (31st Oct. – 4th Nov. 2018)